Monday, July 9, 2012


Day 2 – July 8th
We are now out of the Juan de Fuca Strait, into the Pacific Ocean. No more
land in sight – for some of us this is a first. The wind is now blowing from
the southwest, around 10 - 15 knots and it is time to set our first
spinnaker. Zelda, an A- sail, perfect for these conditions goes up and
carries us through much of the day.
We see the occasional Albatross, the swell picks up, allowing us to
occasionally surf down a big wave, yeehaa. The wind veers more and more to
the west and picks up to 20+ knots. This is too hard on Zelda. Out comes
Green Meanie, our general purpose symmetrical spinnaker. A successful hoist
and now we are in fully Vic-Maui mode – racing down the Pacific at 10+ knots
working hard to keep the competitors behind us at a distance and catching up
to the ones in front of us.
It’s quite amazing, blue water as far as the eye can see, a steady breeze
from the West, the sails are full and the waves gently giving us a nice push
every now and then accelerating Turicum to 12+ knots.
It is now time for the roll call, a daily routine where all boats call in
their position and weather.

Off for now – more to come tomorrow.



  1. Fantastic! We're following you on racetracker and this blog from Ottawa (Mike D's brother, sister-in-law, and nephew). We hope the weather holds for you. Safe travels! Our thoughts are with you and the rest of the fleet.
    -Nick D.

  2. Go Team Turricum.....1st in Div. B on corrected time!!!....Maui in record time?!
