Sunday, July 29, 2012


And some more pictures from our second on board camera.

 Marie, Mort, Ede & Gunnar in Victoria

 Margaridaville - Don & Maggie's boat with friends and family sending us off.
Hale is on the helm.


Family Affair - we had here in sight for two days & nights.  

Gunnar & Chris.

Mort - full concentration needed at night.

Ninja Sailor Terry. 

 Dave - on top of the world, feeding a halyard down the mast.

 "A monkey could not have done it better, Dave!!"

 "John, the goody bags are for the people on watch!"

Terry: "Look, we even have pillows!"

Mort & Marie provisioned Turicum and Mort took pride in serving every meal!
Thank you both for the culinary journey. 
Many thanks also to Ede, Don & family for the welcome additons. Every meal was a treat.

Night sailing - it's hard to see the luff of the spinnker. We sailed by instruments a lot.

Sunsets were some of the most amazing moments aboard. 

John and Thunder Chicken.

Red watch: Do you prefer the Spinlock tan or the Mustang tan?

Land Ho!!

Team Turiucum, this was an amazing journey of adventure, exitment, friendship and fun. Thank you!!
I wish you all a save journey home.
We wish the delivery crew (Maggie, Dave, Ed, Graham & Andy) with skipper Jack Dale a great sail. 

Team Turiucum out!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


These are the pictures from our board camera - courtesy Team Turicum.

 Lois & John

Ede & Kinetic skipper David.

Maggie, Leonardo & Andrea 

 I want to go too!!
Dave getting ready. 

Mort - full concentration.

Chris on A-sail trim. 

John - rest between watches.

 Gunnar: "Eat your oranges or else you get scurvy."

Don on main trim.

Dave on top of the mast. Awesome!

Gunnar at the helm & Dave on trim.

Gunnar's favorite spot when he is not at the helm. 

Dave - having a good time!

 Dinner time (Don, Terry, John and Mort)

Sunset on the Pacific Ocean.

Chris - taking a rest on the windward rail.

 Dave on the foredeck.

Zelda, take us home!

 Terry - as happy as a man can be!

Chris, Gunnar, Dave and Mike (Black Watch) and Don from Red Watch.

John, a quiet moment on deck. 

 Don & John

 Gunnar comes on deck.

 Getting ready for a sail change.

 Gunnar: " Champagne Sailing!"

 Don - looking for the treasure under the rainbow.
 Happy B'day Terry from all of us!

 Dave, back on the transom imporving the jury rig on the backstay.

A happy skipper with a happy crew!

 Don, Dave, Terry, Gunnar, Mort, Mike & John - we are nearly there!!

 Salmon for lunch!

 Sheppard's pie for dinner!

Chris & Mike, driving into the night.

 Mort and Dave

 Another beautiful day on the ocean.

 Getting ready for another squall and a shower!

The dolphins greated Turicum when we she was becalmed just a mile before the finish line.

 Yeah, we made it!

Gunnar and Mike with Chuck, our sponsor for the welcoming party.

 Lenny is still trying to get used to have dad around again.

Leanne, Gunnar, John & Marie.

 Gunnar & David: Team Turicum congratulates Kinetic for their 1st in class!

 The welcoming team.

The dock party in full swing.
Bring on 2014!